Navigating the Green Conversation: Discussing Cannabis with our Kids

Navigating the Green Conversation: Discussing Cannabis with our Kids

Navigating the Green Conversation:
Discussing Cannabis with our Kids

In recent years, our perception of cannabis has undergone a significant transformation. As we learn more about its potential therapeutic benefits and shed the stigma surrounding it, it becomes crucial to have open and honest conversations with our children about this complex plant. While cannabis is no longer considered the villain it once was, it’s essential to emphasize that it isn’t suitable for minors, as their endocannabinoid systems are still developing. In this blog, we explore ways to approach the topic of cannabis with our kids, ensuring they have accurate information and understand the importance of responsible use.

Much different times when I was a kid, but my parents were honest with me about the plant.

1. Knowledge is Power:

When discussing cannabis with our children, it’s important to approach the conversation armed with accurate and up-to-date information. Start by educating yourself about the plant, its components, and its various uses, including both medicinal and adult-use purposes. Being well-informed will help you address any questions or concerns your child might have and enable a more productive discussion.

2. Age-Appropriate Discussions:

Children of different ages require tailored approaches to the cannabis conversation. For younger children, focus on general concepts of health, well-being, and respecting laws and rules. As they grow older, conversations can evolve to include more detailed information about the risks and benefits associated with cannabis use. It’s important to adapt the discussion to your child’s maturity level, ensuring they comprehend the nuances involved.

3. Addressing the Developing Brain:

One crucial aspect of discussing cannabis with our kids is highlighting the potential impact on brain development. Explain that cannabis can affect the developing brain, especially in adolescents, whose endocannabinoid systems are still maturing. Emphasize the importance of allowing the brain to fully develop before considering any form of cannabis use.

4. Differentiating Medical and Adult-Use:

First of all let me address the term “Recreational” that’s widely used across the country to describe the non-medical cannabis market. By instead employing “adult-use,” we acknowledge the responsible and conscious decision-making surrounding cannabis consumption, promoting a mature approach that transcends the notion of mere recreational indulgence… as well as “recreation” often being associated with kids.

Make it clear to your children that cannabis, like any other medication, should only be used under the guidance and supervision of “medical” professionals. Explain that while some individuals may benefit from medical cannabis for specific health conditions, its use is not suitable for minors. Help them understand the distinction between consuming cannabis as a medical treatment and consuming it as an adult.

5. Addressing Misconceptions and Peer Pressure:

Discuss the prevalence of misinformation and misconceptions surrounding cannabis. Make your child aware of the risks associated with peer pressure and help them develop strategies for resisting it. Encourage them to ask questions, seek accurate information, and make informed decisions rather than succumbing to social pressure.

Truthful Information from Knowledgeable Parents is Better than Bad Information From Classmates

Talking to our children about cannabis requires a balanced and open-minded approach. By providing accurate information, addressing the risks associated with adolescent cannabis use, and emphasizing the importance of responsible and legal behavior, we can help shape their attitudes towards this once-stigmatized plant. It’s crucial to keep the lines of communication open, fostering an environment where our children feel comfortable discussing their thoughts, concerns, and curiosities about cannabis. Through ongoing dialogue, we can guide them towards making informed choices and promote responsible attitudes towards cannabis as they navigate the complexities of the modern world.

With a childhood immersed in the enchanting world of the Grateful Dead and the captivating melodies of Willie Nelson, I developed an insatiable appetite for exploration and cultural appreciation. My father captained the Grateful Dead's Pleasure Crew and clandestinely transported cannabis across the Mexican border during the vibrant decades of the '60s and '70s, I inherited a deep appreciation for both storytelling and adventure. As destiny would have it, I found myself starring in A&E's "Modern Dads" in 2013, where I honed my skills as a captivating television personality. Now, fueled by my passion for normalizing cannabis in America, I am embarking on a new venture with "Hittin the High Road," a show that endeavors to celebrate the diverse facets of cannabis culture while shedding light on its place in our society. In the spirit of Anthony Bourdain, I aim to blend exploration, culinary experiences, and heartfelt conversations, hoping to foster a greater understanding and acceptance of cannabis in the fabric of our nation.


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